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FRAUD ALERT: Delegates Not Told That HRP Is Delinquent In Rent

THEY LIED ABOUT PARTY FINANCES TO GET ELECTED: While Hawaii GOP Delegates Voted, Team Dalhouse Campaign Fraudulently Assured Everyone that PLENTY of Money was Sitting in the Party’s Bank Accounts . . . but RINO’s Stopped Paying the Bills, They are Flat-Ass Broke and The Deadbeat GOP HQ Might Soon Be Evicted



Photo: HIRA News

THE BIG QUESTION:   Did the Team Dalhouse campaign to install wannabe party officers KNOWINGLY LIE TO PARTY MEMBERS ABOUT PARTY FINANCES to get elected at the May 2023 Hawaii GOP Convention and the subsequent runoff election?  HIRA News has your exclusive answer to this and other burning questions.

Those who attended the rigged state convention on the Big Island in May distinctly recall HRP treasurer Steve Holck leaving the clear impression that the state party had tens of thousands of dollars in its bank accounts and that HRP was a picture of healthy finances.  Nothing to worry about, only to celebrate.  Well, Holck was not telling the truth.  He noticeably spent more time helping the Team Dalhouse slate promote its candidates and by helping them to pull a huge con (known as a ‘bait and switch’) by omitting the stark realities of the party’s dire financial situation.  Even after the state convention, Holck and the rest of the Team Dalhouse campaign kept Republicans (especially voting delegates) in the dark during the ensuing ‘runoff elections’

The reality is that the Hawaii GOP stopped paying its bills months ago and the state party is officially broke and delinquent in paying its rent for its rarely utilized headquarters.  The RINOs in charge finally (and unsurprisingly) ran the state GOP into the ground.

Don’t believe it?  Read on . . .

After spending months conning party members about the financial health of the Hawai’i GOP under the control of RINOs, it turns out that party leaders swindled convention delegates with a rosy and completely phony financial picture which imploded over the past 24 hours.

Here’s the inside scoop . . .

Thanks to anonymous sources at the Oahu League of RINO Women and the Hawaii GOP – the co-owners of the poorly located, overpriced, and largely unutilized waste of space at Suite C105 of the Imperial Plaza which masquerades as the ‘headquarters’ for the Hawaii Republican Party (HRP) – HIRA News has learned that the Board of Directors of the Imperial Plaza has hired lawyers to sue the Hawaii GOP for more than $9,000 in unpaid fees, utility costs, and various assessments due from the delinquent state party to the building owners.

It seems that high-ranking RINO party leaders like Lynn FinneganDiamond GarciaTom Dilhouse and Steve Holck haven’t been paying the bills.  It’s also clear that state convention delegates and party members and even the governing State Committee of the party were kept completely in the dark by HRP’s executive committee and the Team Dalhouse campaign about the party’s MASSIVE financial problems.  Indeed, these top party officials and their hand-picked successors were perfectly content to let state treasurer Steve Holck mislead delegates last month into believing there were tens of thousands of dollars in the party’s bank accounts.

Alas, there is barely $3,000 left.  Fully $6,000 short of preventing the lawsuit which could lead to the eviction of the party, not to mention putting the party’s already shortchanged donors on the hook for legal fees and related costs.  And HRP needs thousands more dollars on top of that to pay its current bills DUE TODAY and to continue making its monthly rent payments so HRP can provide the bloodsucking Oahu League of RINO Women with a free office in perpetuity (aka FOREVER).

Don’t believe us?  Here’s the letter from two days ago which authorizes legal action against HRP for the delinquency.  Read it for yourself . . .


June 28, 2023TO:  Republican Party of Hawaii

725 Kapiolani Blvd. #C105
Honolulu, HI 96813Dear Owner:

We have not received a response to our prior notices concerning your delinquent account.  Accordingly, the Board of Directors has authorized legal action against your unit to collect the amounts listed above.  ($9,073.54)

Note:  These figures do not include amounts becoming due on the first of next month.  (July 1, 2023)

We are forwarding a copy of this letter to the Association’s attorney to proceed with legal action.  The Association will hold you responsible for payment of all attorney fees and costs incurred in this matter.

For the Board of Directors,
Jane Najera, Accountant
Imperial Plaza c/o Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd.


As if the terrible management of the Hawaii GOP wasn’t bad enough, we have arrived yet again at the point where “saving the headquarters” is fast becoming the central issue which yet again will trump REAL issues on which HRP should be providing leadership (but isn’t); like exposing Democrats, advocating our values and solutions, registering voters, organizing a ground game, recruiting REAL Republicans as candidates, and beating Democrats at the early voting ballot harvesting game.

So, prepare yourself for another round of endless “Save our Headquarters” shibai, as if a room on Kapiolani Blvd. which sits empty and unutilized for 98% of the year (after year) has anything to do with whether or why Democrats keep winning.  Fundraising for this albatross is like asking taxpayers for even more money to build rail transit.  At this point, we all know better.  We know we’ve been played.  Any fair reading of the TRULY STUPID contract between HRP and the Oahu League exposes party leaders as idiots and the blue-haired RINO women as deadbeats.

The blue-haired RINO ladies of the Oahu League have been using their status as co-owners of ‘the headquarters’ to control and destroy the Hawaii GOP from within for several decades now.  The Oahu League’s handpicked puppets (from Shirlene Ostrov to Signe Godfrey to Lynn Finnegan to Diamond Garcia to Tom Dilhouse) have ALWAYS put the freeloaders at the Oahu League and its precious ‘headquarters’ ahead of taking on the Democrats using 21st Century political tactics and strategies.  And these RINOs have never stopped making sure that the only kind of candidates getting targeted for real support are ‘community celebrities’ who are indistinguishable from Democrats except for maybe one wedge issue, such as Bob McDermott’s endless crusade for the anus, which never interfered with McDonut’s voting like a Democrat again and again.  [Yet McDermott pummeled the new state chair Tim Dalhouse during their contested 2022 primary election for US Senate, with McDermott spending ZERO dollars on his race while Dalhouse wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars to be humiliated into demonstrating his lack of ability to win an election honestly.]

It’s clearer than ever that HRP’s controlling RINOs will squeeze blood from this ‘kokua for the headquarters’ turnip for as long as blue-haired RINOs outnumber conservatives and actual Republicans for control of the Hawaii GOP.

In fact, so much desperation has set in at HRP over its sudden discovery of hidden financial problems, that new state chair “Cheatin’ Tom Dilhouse” is hitting up other party leaders for money in hopes of stalling legal action by the building management against its nightmare tenant.

But the desperation doesn’t stop there.  Unwitting Oahu taxpayers are probably going to be hit up for their support to keep HRP in its mold-infested, dust-covered, and mostly-abandoned ‘headquarters’.  How, you might ask?

In the wake of the debate over how much salary should be paid to members of the Honolulu City Council and their staff members, leftist RINO and professional crybaby Andria Tupola appears to be offering her full-time taxpayer-funded staff members to spend even more time performing political consulting by letting HRP use her City aide Braedon Wilkerson (one of those guys who was holding up signs and telling May 2023 GOP state convention delegates to vote “NO” on any and all proposed reforms and rules changes) to help raise money so that HRP can become solvent and so that more RINOs who support Democrat policies can get into office.

As HIRA News reported last November, City employee Wilkerson has a green light from his boss RINO Tupola to work for the political campaigns of as many Democrats as he wants; thereby helping as many Republicans to LOSE as possible.  Today, HRP state chair “Cheatin’ Tom Dilhouse” wants HRP to hire Tupola’s Democrat-loving political thug Braedon Wilkerson to help raise money so that RINO’s and closet Democrats can continue controlling the weak state GOP for years to come (aka ‘controlled opposition’).  Laughably, we’re supposed to believe that Wilkerson never sleeps, so he is somehow able to perform his job at Honolulu Hale without ever letting his political consulting business illegally interfere with his work day.  [Believe this and you probably believed that the rail project would only cost $3 billion like we were all told by Andria Tupola’s (and Val Okimoto’s) mentor Mufi Hannemann.]  Of course, we’re also supposed to believe that Tupola raked in tens of thousands of dollars for her one-woman political consulting business over the past two years without such work creeping into her government workday either.

Yes, these RINOs think we are all blind and stupid.  They didn’t think we’d find out that Wilkerson’s client, freshman Democrat state representative and AOC clone Natalia Hussey-Burdick (a far-left nutjob and self-identified social justice warrior) voted just like AOC once she got elected to the state legislature with Team Tupola’s help.  That’s because RINO’s truly despise what real  Republicans stand for.  RINO Tim Dalhouse’s choice for HRP fundraising consultant Braedon Wilkerson makes no secret that he equates conservatives with fascists.

RINO’s like Tupola herself — who openly supports racial discrimination, higher taxes, wasteful spending, illegal immigration, and too many other liberal policies to list here — have run HRP for decades, and it shows.  Sure, Tupola (riding on Augie Tulba’s coattail) tried in vain to make a name for herself by opposing the proposed 64% pay raise for City Council members.  But what she FAILS to tell you is that she’s already been making a small fortune in Joe and Hunter Biden fashion by exploiting her position on the City Council and the HRP hierarchy to supplement her income far beyond what that pay raise will bring.  In fact, Tupola has supplemented her income by more than $62,000 during the past two election cycles; working for Megan Kau, Makua Rothman, and Keone Simon.

A review of her campaign finance reports show that she (and her staff) have been moonlighting and daylighting as political consultants while raking in taxpayer funded salaries.  They’ve already been living large long before the proposed pay hikes.  Sadly, the same weak Honolulu Ethics Commission and Office of the City Prosecutor which protected crooked Louis Kealoha and Katherine Kealoha from charges for misusing City resources (later prosecuted by the Feds) will likewise protect Tupola, Wilkerson and others for illegally performing (allegedly) political work during the City workday.  But, without question, VOTERS will learn about what they’ve done as time goes on.  That’s why Tupola will never attain higher office outside a Waianae Coast district where she can wave a separatist, anti-USA sovereignty flag or an upside-down American flag and get elected to the state house or city council with her shades of racism and social justice warrior whining.  But she’ll NEVER become mayor or governor.  She’s simply too corrupt and too liberal.


At this moment, the REAL issue for HRP to deal with is how to get rid of all the lying, cheating, incompetent, corrupt RINOs and their cronies who keep getting the party into financial, legal and political trouble.  You know that story about the fox watching the chicken coop?  Well, now that the chickens are all dead, the fox wants more of your money.  And, if history is any guide, the phony urgency of this self-inflicted financial disaster will be shamelessly and noisily exploited by HRP in hopes that nobody asks why Tom Dilhouse and HIS SUPPORTERS (Diamond, Lynn, Steve, Gene, Laura and the rest) FAILED TO WARN US that they had stopped paying the bills and that Steve Holck’s treasurer reports were as phony and fraudulent as can be.

Did HRP treasurer Steve Holck (or Tom Dilhouse or Diamond Garcia or Lynn Finnegan or Gene Ward or Laura Nakanelua) tell state convention delegates about how Tom Dilhouse’s loathsome running mate Shirlene Ostrov caused HRP to be fined $60,000 by the Federal Elections Commission for secretly laundering millions of dollars through fake bank accounts which NOBODY else in HRP (except apparently Steve Holck) knew existed, and therefore weren’t properly reported in Holck’s campaign finance reports, leading to his conviction by the FEC for violating federal laws?  Naturally, delegates and party members were left in the dark.  They also weren’t told how badly the party’s most recent fundraising event (“Prince Kūhiō Lūʻau Celebration Annual Fundraiser” in March 2023) came up way short of putting money in HRP’s now empty bank accounts.  That’s why the governing state committee and the executive committee still have no idea to this very day about how many unpleasant surprises that an audit would uncover about the past decade of shady finances at 725 Kapiolani Blvd.

Today, in the wake of forthcoming legal action against deadbeat HRP leaders for non-payment of rent, everybody’s finding out the hard way that top HRP officers were failing to pay the bills and were lying to cover up those failures are just two more reasons why island voters don’t trust island Republicans.  Sadly there are so many, many, many more reasons.  You can probably think of a few.

Yes, island Democrats who were already sleeping really, really well at night thanks to RINO control of HRP will sleep even better knowing that even more financial desperation and possible eviction of Republicans from their rarely-used ‘headquarters’ have arrived in time to celebrate independence this coming week on July 4th.  It might be the same week that process servers deliver the lawsuit to Tom Dilhouse and that moving trucks arrive to remove the mold-infested, dust covered crap in the mostly abandoned and costly HRP headquarters.

While all of this was kept under wraps until Team Dalhouse’s campaign to control HRP was concluded, Dilhouse himself has now admitted, “(W)e are not in a good financial place as a State Republican Party. All pressing bills are paid, but we need to raise money in order to cover just our operational expenses for next month, which hover around $8,000 per month. We also owe slightly over $30,000 in attorney’s fees for defending the party against a lawsuit.”  Those were his words nearly six weeks ago.  Imagine how Republicans must feel betrayed and misled knowing that Team Dalhouse’s corrupt campaign for power kept a lid on SO MANY financial problems in order to swindle delegates for their votes in recent weeks.  Not a single delegate knew that the party was on the verge of being sued and possibly evicted for not paying its bills.  Just like Democrats, that’s the ‘bait and switch’ game RINOs like to play.

Let’s be honest.  Right now, in the mind of voters, Democrats actually appear to be more competent and less corrupt than Hawaii Republicans.  Knowing how crooked and incompetent Democrats are makes you realize how far HRP has fallen.  That’s why Hawaii can be run into the ground by Democrats for 70 years and still handily win election after election.  Meanwhile, we’re stuck with losers like Gene Ward and Kurt Fevella and “Cheatin’ Tom Dilhouse”.

Enough already.  It’s time to GET RID OF THAT OFFICE SPACE, say goodbye to the RINOs at the Oahu League, purge HRP of corruptniks and hacks and liberals, and start the Hawaii Republican Party all over again from scratch.

Lyin’, Cheatin’ Tim Dalhouse needs to resign.  His campaign knowingly LIED to party members and to voting delegates to con them for their votes.  And, surprise surprise:  HIRA News has it on good authority that the $60,000 fine assessed to HRP by the FEC is anything but the last costly fine they’ll be paying for flagrant lawbreaking in 2023; fines which pale next to the self-inflicted political damage to the GOP brand in Hawaii.

So, folks, when HRP’s RINO leadership comes begging for money, don’t flush your hard-earned dollars down the toilet like closet Democrat councilwoman Andria Tupola likes to do with your taxes on that overpriced rail boondoggle known as Skyline.  Donating even one dollar to HRP would be like handing a dollar to a meth addict.  We know that the addict won’t be buying any food or making any life changes using that money.  You actually just paid for their next fix and brought them closer to death.  Let’s starve out the RINOs and build a new and improved Hawaii GOP once they’re all gone.  Unless you prefer keeping closet Democrats in control of HRP’s life and death.  Goodbye Sheila Walker.  Next, let’s say goodbye to Tim Dalhouse.  Auwe!!


CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Zero-Integrity Hawaii GOP Chair’s Rigged Auction and Illegal Fundraising Scandals Now Under Investigation



Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Who wouldn’t want to go to next week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and experience Donald Trump and his running mate getting nominated while having the weeklong opportunity to mingle with thousands of GOP VIPs galore at this exclusive and historic, invitation-only extravaganza?  Well, most Republicans across the state and the country would LOVE to have the opportunity to attend.  If you’re not a delegate or alternate to the 2024 RNC convention, then guest passes are EXTREMELY hard to come by.

Fortunately, the Hawaii GOP’s state chair Tamara McKay, national committeeman Gene Ward and national committeewoman Laura Nakanelua each have guest passes known as “golden tickets”.  Four passes each, for a total of twelve.  Recently, they each agreed to put one of their passes up for an online auction open to party members across the state as a fundraiser for the state party and a way to reward the generosity of the winning bidders.  But things quickly fell apart when state chair Tamara McKay decided to rig the auction to such an extreme that two of her best pals were the ONLY bidders and the ONLY winners in the rigged auction, which Ward and Nakanelua promptly disavowed and quickly turned their attention to stopping the ‘winners’ from exploiting Tamara’s fraud.

Fast forward to today:  Tamara and her braindead defenders on the Executive Committee of the state GOP have authorized hiring a mainland law firm to sue anybody who stands in the way of the ‘winners’ of the rigged auction from attending the RNC convention, even though top Hawaii GOP leaders know that Tamara massively stacked the odds in favor of her two friends winning cheaply while making it impossible for party members across the state to have any chance of participating at all.  The cease and desist letter from HRP’s obviously bamboozled attorney — Mark Ziebold of the Ziebold Law Group located in Irvine, California — shows that Mr. Ziebold has been misled by Tamara McKay about the legitimacy of the auction in question and further shows that Ziebold is under the bogus impression that a rigged auction is “legal and binding”.  Further, attorney Ziebold appears to be engaging in lawfare on behalf of Tamara and her enablers to cover up extremely bad behavior and to help his client’s cronies to retain their ill-gotten gains from the rigged auction.  Such weaponization of civil litigation is not only unconscionable, but probably a serious violation of Mr. Ziebold’s ethics which could lead to the loss of his law license.



There are an infinite number of reasons for Tamara McKay and her enablers at the Hawaii GOP to resign in disgrace.  This scandal is just another one of those undeniable reasons.  For several heated weeks now, the Hawaii Republican Party’s (HRP) leadership has been embroiled in turmoil over the outcome of its own highly illegitimate and arguably rigged online auction of extremely valuable guest passes to the 2024 Republican National Convention being staged in Milwaukee in a couple of weeks.  Endless meetings, emails, Zoom video conferences, text messages and phone calls about the controversial outcome of HRP State Chair McKay’s rigged auction have been tying up valuable time this election year which otherwise would normally be spent by any struggling political party like the Hawaii GOP trying to convince island voters to vote differently.  The conflict over the fake outcome of the rigged auction in question has reached a boiling point where threats of lawsuits and issuances of cease and desist letters being sent between state party leaders is where things stand right now at the homeless, virtual, online-only state party without a headquarters or any semblance of a statewide or even targeted campaign to unseat Democrats.  In other words, the fight over perks distributed via this indefensible scam rages while the fight over Hawaii’s future is on the back burner at HRP.

Here’s what happened.  As a state chair with arguably the poorest character in the entire GOP, McKay is being provided with several guest passes for the RNC’s upcoming national convention, where Donald Trump is expected to become the nominee of the party.  Not unlike many political wheeler dealers, McKay is quick to utilize party resources to reward her friends and supporters with insider perks just like her corrupt predecessors.  She decided to make one of her passes (along with one each from national committeewoman Laura Nakanelua and outgoing national committeeman Gene Ward) available for purchase in a party-sponsored online auction, ostensibly as a ‘fundraiser’ for the now homeless and aimless Hawaii GOP.

While the Hawaii GOP could have realized really big bucks for its coffers by advertising a legitimate online auction of these highly coveted guest passes on the state party’s social media platforms – to HRP’s 16,000 followers on Facebook, its 7,000 followers on Twitter, et al – as well as e-mailing HRP’s 15,000 party members, Tamara McKay decided to only share this auction with a handpicked micro-sized list of a reported two dozen people, including the leaders of Surfing 4 Truth (social media influencers) Andy Crossland and Lynn Surayan) who have been openly operating as online cheerleading shills for McKay’s troubled tenure as state chair for at least a year now.

In order to hide her sleight of hand, McKay set up an unadvertised online auction on Zeffy so that her pals could easily get these passes for a fraction of the market value of these highly coveted credentials.


And, guess what, McKay’s friends won!  And, lo and behold, Tamara’s cronies were the only bidders.  It came as no surprise that Crossland and Surayan “won” those highly coveted guest passes in a rigged auction which was disguised as a party fundraiser.  In no time at all, Tamara’s cheerleaders wasted no time crowing all over social media about what they (and Tamara) did.  According to Surfing 4 Truth, they “were welcomed personally by the Hawaii Republic (sic) Party State Chair to attend the RNC 2024 in Milwaukee!!!!”  “Surfing4Truth WON the Hawaii Republican Party auction for Golden tickets.”  WELL, OF COURSE THEY DID.  They endorsed and supported Tamara McKay for state chair of HRP while providing her with cover for her failed leadership through this very day.  Of course they won!!  That’s why nobody else was able to bid in the rigged auction.

It was a phony auction designed to cheaply transfer state chair Tamara McKay’s guest passes to the “winners” who were the only bidders.  In fact, current HRP national committeeman Gene Ward asserts that, “there was not really an authentic ‘auction’ that took place in the Hawaii Republican Party for any RNC Convention Guest Tickets, but was more so conducted as a ‘targeted opportunity’ for a few select individuals.”  That’s a nice way of confirming that the auction was rigged.

Arguably McKay’s biggest cheerleaders have been local social media influencer couple Andy Crossland and Lynn Surayan of “Surfing 4 Truth”, who have been boosting Tamara McKay’s tenure as state chair for nearly a year now, on the heels of cheering on a wifebeater for governor, blaming rigged elections in Hawaii for GOP losses, and actively helping a wacky conspiracy theorist who blames government space lasers for Lahaina’s destruction to become HRP’s new national committeeman just a few weeks ago.  According to Tamara McKay in her party newsletter congratulating the auction ‘winners’, Crossland and Surayan “are excited to experience Milwaukee and all that the convention has to offer.”  Also, McKay has been working with Trump Hawaii delegation chair Shirlene Ostrov to make sure her own “name has been included on the hotel room with Lynn and Andy Crossland.”

While Democrats are known to rig elections, the RINOs at HRP rig auctions to benefit themselves and exploit the perks of running the state party.  So, it’s no wonder that intense criticism of the McKay swindle to benefit Surfing4Truth has come from far and wide inside HRP.  The overwhelming majority of the 30+ members of the official Hawaii Trump delegation to the RNC national convention voted AGAINST allowing Crossland and Surayan to attend using the guest passes in question.  Current national committeeman Gene Ward and national committeewoman Laura Nakanelua also expressed their vehement opposition to allowing Crossland and Surayan (pictured below with Tamara McKay) to attend the convention with these controversially ‘won’ guest passes.

According to the Hawaii Trump delegation to the RNC convention, “The other two ‘winners’ of the auction were overwhelmingly voted down (84% disapproving Andy Crossland as a guest, and 81% disapproving Lynn Surayan as a guest) . . . the boyfriend-girlfriend team together leads Surfing4Truth.”  As a result, the hotel rooms reserved by the RNC for official guests have been canceled for Crossland and Surayan.  And it is increasingly unlikely that the couple will be given their passes should they spend the money to travel to Milwaukee.  Hence, the threats of legal action and the ‘cease and desist’ communications by Tamara and the misguided, clueless HRP attorney, despite the obvious illegitimacy of her rigged auction and the dubious “winners” of that scam.

Tamara’s own description on the Zeffy auction site belies her seriousness about raising funds for the party and exposes her real goal of rewarding her friends:  “This brief auction is for the opportunity to obtain a highly coveted ticket into the 2024 Republican Convention in Milwaukee.”  Highly coveted is an extremely accurate description.  Each convention guest pass could have brought in several thousand dollars, if fundraising was the actual goal.  But it appears the ACTUAL goal was to merely obtain a fraction of the worth of these passes in order for corrupt state chair Tamara McKay to quietly reward her biggest cronies on social media by handing them a rigged auction disguised as a fundraiser.  Making matters worse, the party’s governing Executive Committee and State Committee of top GOP officers went along with this sham and are backing the rigged auction done in the party’s name and the rigged outcome.

In an email dated 12 June 2024 to McKay, Ward, and Nakanelua, renowned money launderer and former HRP state chair “Big Shirl” Ostrov of the Hawaii Trump campaign was less than subtle in describing Tamara McKay’s sham ‘auction’:  “The other three guests were objected to as “winners” of a self-admitted mishandled “Golden Ticket” online auction to the party with some of the RNC’s 12 bonus tickets, afforded to the three of you. While billed as a party-wide opportunity, it appeared to only reach a targeted audience. For some reason, the three “winners” of the Golden Ticket auction were the ONLY BIDDERS. The three tickets only raised a total $600 in what would otherwise have been an amazing fundraising opportunity if handled properly.”

That’s right, the auction was designed for a VERY targeted audience, and therefore was a NON-amazing fundraising opportunity since there was no competition between the ‘winners’ and the tens of thousands of Republicans in Hawaii who were omitted from the chance to win.  Tamara McKay’s cronies at Surfing4Truth who “won” the guest passes were “the only bidders” from the completely fake, rigged, not-at-all ‘party-wide’ auction . . . a corrupt outcome which is PERFECTLY FINE with Tamara McKay and virtually the entire leadership of the Hawaii Republican Party, along with its clueless attorney.  With scammers like McKay, Crossland and Surayan, WHY would Hawaii voters want to bother replacing corrupt Democrats in power with equally corrupt Republicans?

McKay’s use of a bogus “auction” to reward her friends and intentionally defraud HRP of potentially thousands of dollars in revenue is another matter which is under investigation.  As mentioned above, guest passes to the upcoming Republican National Convention were ‘auctioned’ by state chair McKay as a purported fundraiser for the state party.  But instead of making that auction available to thousands of party members across the state or even millions of party members across the country, McKay only made that auction of convention passes exclusively accessible to the eventual ‘winners’ of the auction and a tiny handful of others in McKay’s inner circle who didn’t even bother to place bids, thereby guaranteeing that McKay’s buddies would be most likely to ‘win’ these guest passes at the lowest imaginable price.  In addition, the matter of selling tickets for admission to a dated political event – even “golden tickets” – requires preregistration of such ticket sales with the State Campaign Spending Commission.  THIS DID NOT HAPPEN.

Joining the chorus of support for letting Crossland and Surayan hang onto their ill-gotten ‘winnings’ from the rigged auction is their fellow cheerleader for Crooked Tamara McKay, America-hater and Hawaii statehood opponent Andrew Aker of “Maui Freedom TV”, who appears to believe that there’s nothing wrong with a rigged auction as long as his friends get to keep the spoils and are able to attend the RNC convention next week.  Despite being caught in the middle of this highly corrupt transaction, Aker laughably describes Crossland and Surayan as ‘corruption fighters’.  Even more laughably, in the midst of McKay’s auction rigging scandal, Aker sincerely proclaims that “Real American Patriot Tamara McKay and others are working hard to drain the swamp in HI Republican Party!”  Yeah, sure she is.  The swamp is now deeper than ever, with multiple RINO factions trying to out-sleaze each other.

The reality is that HRP is as sleazy as ever.  Tamara McKay is as slimy and corrupt (and incompetent) as Lynn Finnegan or Diamond Garcia or “Big Shirl” Ostrov or Fritz Rohlfing or Beth Fukumoto.  Hawaii voters might not be surprised to learn that the RINOs who control the Hawaii GOP are just as capable of being corrupt as the governing Democrats.  But such lawbreaking certainly won’t help the local Republican Party impress voters between now and the General Election just a few months from now.  When our party attacks Democrats for rigging elections, shameless HRP leaders think nothing of rigging an auction to divide the spoils and the perks with cronies.  Sounds just like how Josh Green runs state government.

The now persistent turmoil in the ranks of the Hawaii GOP leadership has risen to the level of a civil war over state chair Tamara McKay’s questionable use of a highly manipulated online auction to sell guest passes to the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee to her closest associates.  The big question is whether the state party was defrauded by McKay out of thousands of potential dollars so she could ensure that her friends would ‘win’ the rigged auction.  The weeks of resulting internal battles have largely been fixated on Surfing4Truth, the unlikely ‘winners’ of the auction and the cheap price they paid.  But the state attorney general now has the evidence of the unregistered fundraiser and the alleged defrauding of HRP.  And the party’s legal problems don’t end there.  Those problems are just starting to get worse.  Not to mention what Donald Trump and the RNC would think of this glaring corruption problem involving the integrity-challenged HRP and the cheating state chair’s cronies Surayan and Crossland at ‘Surfing 4 Truth’ wandering around the national convention with tainted guest passes.

Even before breaking this news story, HIRA News has already heard from dozens of party members who are upset about Crooked Tamara’s rigged auction and her zero-integrity “winners” from Surfing4Truth who have no shame in knowing they were the only bidders in a rigged auction.  After all, Tamara, the HRP leadership, and the ‘winners’ of the ill-gotten gains – McKay’s buddies Andy Crossland and Lynn Surayan – KNOW that the outcome was a total scam and outright fraud.  Even the dumbest lawyer in California should understand that to knowingly deprive party members from being able to bid or even have access to the online auction while skewing and rigging that auction to steer the guess passes to McKay’s buddies is the very definition of unfair, misleading and deceptive practice.  Just imagine the potential for lawsuits against HRP by party members from Hilo to Hanalei who wanted to participate in the auction yet who were deliberately prevented from participating while top party officers who knowingly facilitated a fraudulent transaction in the guise of a party auction; whereby the obvious fraud and the party’s obvious financial loss (due to rigging and zero competition in the auction) have been pointed out clearly by the Hawaii Trump campaign.  Could a class action lawsuit and prosecution for fraud be far behind?  To date, Tamara McKay and her cronies (and her clueless lawyer) are defending the indefensible situation whereby secret, exclusive access to the online auction site was provided ONLY to the ‘winners’ and a handful of others, despite having tens of thousands of followers on social media and nearly that many e-mail addresses of party members whom Tamara refused to allow to participate, even though this was supposed to be a party-wide auction.  This crooked arrangement is a very strange hill for the above-named corruptniks to want to die on.  No wonder HRP has hired a mainland lawyer to help the fake winners of the rigged auction retain the spoils of this scam by attempting to intimidate those who complain.  Like her crooked predecessors as state chair, Tamara McKay is resorting to a classic HRP waste of donor monies while she continues to fritter away the few precious weeks remaining before the General Election.  Auwe!

Stay tuned:  If the two fake winners from the rigged auction STILL attend next week’s RNC convention as guests of Tamara McKay, then you’ll instantly know HRP is too crooked to take on the Democrats in 2024.  If  REAL conservatives are in charge of the Hawaii GOP, then the rigged nature of the contest should instantly invalidate the outcome.  But will it?  Probably not.  We’ll see . . .




Today, HIRA News can confirm that the Hawaii Republican Party (HRP) is also under criminal investigation by Hawaii’s attorney general Anne Lopez and other government law enforcement agencies for organizing a series of multiple illegal fundraising events over the past few weeks resulting from the state party failing to register a “Notice of Intent to Hold a Fundraiser” for multiple fundraisers with the State Campaign Spending Commission (CSC) as required by §11-342 of Hawaii Revised Statutes.

This investigation comes on the heels of the bribery scandal at the Hawaii State Capitol which ended the political careers of state senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English and former state Rep. Ty Cullen – who admitted in court that they took bribes from Milton Choy of H2O Water Systems to steer legislation related to cesspools – changes were made to state campaign finance law.

One of these changes was requiring ALL fundraisers, no matter the ticket price, to be pre-registered with the CSC so that the public would know about the fundraising activity through legally mandated transparency.  No more secret fundraising events could fly below the radar.  But it appears that Team Tamara doesn’t care about obeying the law.

So much for legally-mandated transparencyMultiple fundraising events have been organized by HRP, including several held in conjunction with the party’s two-day state convention held in Mililani last month on May 4th and 5th.   As HRP’s website clearly shows, there were three fundraisers which charged $25 per person per event to attend.


According to the CSC website, HRP failed to give notice of any fundraisers held in May in advance of (or even since) these three party fundraisersa cocktail party, a breakfast event with Gene Ward and a breakfast event with Elijah Piereck – were advertised and held.


However, as can be clearly seen, party fundraising events held before and since the state convention do appear on the CSC website; clearly indicating that party leaders occasionally obey the law and actually know how to be legally compliant if they wish to.

The required form to be completed and filed with CSC in advance of a fundraiser, no matter the ticket price, can be viewed HERE.  There’s simply no mistaking the requirement for full disclosure ahead of time, as it plainly reads:  “Under Hawaii Revised Statutes §11-342, no fundraiser shall be held unless a notice of intent to hold the fundraiser is filed with the Campaign Spending Commission (“Commission”) for any function held for the benefit of a candidate, candidate committee, or noncandidate committee that is intended or designed, directly or indirectly, to raise contributions for which any price is charged or any contribution is suggested for attending the function.  The person in charge of the fundraiser shall file the notice with the Commission prior to the fundraiser.”

HIRA News reached out to HRP state treasurer Mike Jauch for comment.  But Jauch, who goes by the social media username @bullwhip1954, blocked HIRA News from communicating with him on Twitter and elsewhere immediately after he and McKay were caught by HIRA News holding a private teleconference with anti-American activists who currently hold leadership positions throughout the Hawaii GOP and intend to lead a fight to have Hawaii secede from the United States of America and become an independent third world banana republic operating under a monarchy.  Yes, you read that correctly.

HIRA News also reached out to HRP state chair Tamara McKay for comment.  But McKay, who operates on social media as “Redtime Stories”, blocked HIRA News after being called out for proudly featuring the anti-American ‘sovereignty flag’ used widely by America haters in Hawaii as part of the Maui GOP’s July 4th float, which McKay proudly posted on her Facebook page.  Yes, you read that correctly.

Unlike HIRA News, investigators and prosecutors from the Hawaii AG’s office won’t have to worry about being blocked by either Jauch or McKay, as the AG has subpoena power to obtain the same damning records now in the possession of HIRA News.  In time, the attorney general’s investigation should be able to get to the bottom of the refusal by both McKay and Jauch to register all of these illegal party fundraisers with the CSC.  Are they knowingly and intentionally breaking the law?  Or are they simply clueless about how to do their jobs?  HIRA News awaits news of the seemingly inevitable prosecution.

RECENT FINES FOR IDENTICAL LAWBREAKING TELL THE STORY:  It should be noted that corrupt city councilwoman Andria Tupola (the state’s biggest ever loser as the GOP’s gubernatorial candidate in 2018) was fined $1,150 for merely holding a single one of her own secret and unregistered fundraising events where she ostensibly cashed in by selling out to Hawaii’s greedy pro-rail industry in a seemingly apparent pay-to-play scheme where she shook down Big Rail for campaign money in exchange for her vote to allow Honolulu taxpayers to go into even more debt to pay for the boondoggle.  Tupola held fundraisers right before and right after the big vote at city hall which indebted Oahu taxpayers.  No local media ever reported the fine or the corruption.  But Tupola was forced to admit to the fine in her campaign finance report on the CSC website.

Sadly, HRP is run by corrupt and incompetent RINOs, as always.  They wear Trump hats and t-shirts to disguise their lack of experience and their Democrat-like ways.  But don’t be fooled.  2024 is shaping up to be yet another political disaster at the hands of these braindead signwavers who’ve never led a winning campaign in their lives.  Democrats will sleep very well at night.  And the State Elections Office has confirmed to HIRA News that there are no plans to postpone the General Election because HRP’s leadership team doesn’t have its act together because its so busy distributing the perks of office to cronies that party leaders don’t have time or energy to mount a winning campaign against the party of Josh Green and Mazie Hirono.  Auwe!

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Mililani, Hawai’i — The humiliating firing of a longtime professional politician was the order of the day at this weekend’s low-key state convention of the Hawai’i Republican Party, held in a high school cafetorium in Mililani.  Republican delegates voted decisively to tell RINO state representative Gene Ward (“R” – Hawai’i Kai) that his services were no longer needed nor even desired as the party’s national committeeman; a position held by Ward since May 2016.

After years of revealing himself to be hopelessly liberal, extremely corrupt and as incompetent as Joe Biden, Gene Ward sowed the seeds for his own demise through his legislative support for amnesty for the tens of thousands of illegal aliens in Hawai’i as well as support for importing foreigners to take jobs from island residents, support for the Democrat “mail-in voting” law, putting an illegal noncitizen on the ballot as a Republican on the Waianae Coast, support for creating an Obamacare exchange in Hawaii, support for socialism in the form of “Universal Basic Income”, support for Hawaii’s job-killing “global warming” bill, partnering with Democrats to train Democrat candidates for office, helping HART to eliminate annual audits of the rail boondoggle, as well as supporting a laundry list of progressive policies which would make many Democrats blush – voting with Democrats 80% of the time or more, year after year, which the notoriously whiny liberal bitch Gene Ward hilariously described a few days ago as ‘busting his backside’ (while hilariously threatening to go to the lawyers at the RNC to protect his now terminated job at the Hawaii GOP).  It also didn’t help that Ward could always be counted on for decades to abuse his power to force Republicans in Hawai’i to remain at the mercy of corrupt, liberal and incompetent party leaders who always made sure that a conservative political revolution would never, ever be led by the Hawai’i GOP in our lifetimes.

Ward’s RINO vision of Republican candidates politicians operating as non threatening, status quo preserving community celebrities — like Val Okimoto and Lauren Cheape and Andria Tupola, who pretend to be Republican but vote just like Democrats — didn’t sit well with increasing numbers of disaffected party members, donors and volunteers who finally saw through Ward’s lame act.  In fact, Gene “minority leader emeritus” Ward’s opinion of himself is so high that he considered having to attend required party meetings in Hawai’i and on the mainland (aka “the continent” if you’re a USA hating, kingdom loving sovereignty nutjob) as merely optional because he was afraid of “being caught in the crossfire and squabbles” at these meetings.  Yes, Gene actually said these words last week.  What a total pussy!

In a final act of desperation to save himself the embarrassment of losing the second highest position in the Hawaii GOP, Ward even enlisted fellow members of the state legislature’s tiny “Republican” caucus to mount a last-minute campaign to save Ward from humiliation by lending their support to the Hawai’i GOP’s own Joe Biden.

WARNING:  The active involvement of RINO state house members Lauren Cheape, Elijah Pierick, David Alcos and Diamond Garcia show how deeply the corruption has rotted the GOP’s miniature state party which sees Democrats holding 113 of the 120 elected positions in Hawaii’s county, state and federal government political seats.  As HIRA News will exclusively report soon, It should come as no surprise that the State Attorney General and her investigators have been protecting Ward along with several of these Democrat-enabling incumbents from prosecution by ignoring whistleblower reports and mountains of evidence of illegally misusing their state offices (as well as laundering the money and hiding the financials through wire fraud).

The many political scandals involving Gene Ward himself are too numerous to even list here, to include his manipulation of the Hawaii GOP for the benefit of Democrats and pushing closet Democrats like Beth Fukumoto, Kym Pine-Ryglowski, Cynthia Thielen, Charles Djou and Aaron “Ling” Johanson on unsuspecting party members (and the public) as Republican candidates.  But, other than his supportive RINO colleagues at the State Capitol (including his former staffer and recent state chair Diamond Garcia), you should know that his biggest supporters are the very same crooks put in charge of the 2024 Hawai’i Trump campaign:  Shirlene Ostrov (state chair), Maryann “Mele” Songsong (co-chair), Steve Holck (co-chair), Sheila Walker (coalitions lead), Steve Yoder (Kauai chair), Greg Lussier (Maui chair) and Gene Ward himself, just to name a few of the RINO infiltrators of Team Trump Hawaii.  Thanks to this crooked cabal of losers, neither Trump nor his eventual running mate nor any other Republican challengers up and down the ticket in Hawaii has any hope of success here in the islands.

With just a few short months until the October 2024 General Election (yes, OCTOBER, thanks to mail-in balloting which Ward helped island Democrats to enact here), the damage already done to Republican electoral hopes in the islands by sabotaging RINO’s like Ward means that the election results announced on Tuesday, November 5th will certainly be disastrous for the Aloha State.  While the ousting of Gene Ward as national committeeman Gene Ward is surely cause to celebrate, the bad news coming on Election Night means that there will be a LOT more reckoning to come . . . for all officers of the Hawai’i GOP and all GOP officeholders.  Unless you’ve been paying close attention, you wouldn’t believe how many more RINO’s are in top party posts and how many are running allegedly “Republican” front groups across the state.  Ward is just the first of DOZENS who need to go.  Sorry, folks.  HIRA has been warning you.  We have a long and hard road ahead to fix our party so that Democrats can become an endangered species in Hawaii.  Auwe!

Finally, Ward recently claimed in writing to have secretly donated up to $70,000 to the Hawai’i GOP “fulfilling my role as Hawaii’s NCM. (for airfare, lodging, car rentals and food etc. to get the job done.”  Not a penny of Ward’s donations have appeared anywhere in ANY required campaign finance reports.  Oh, no.  Here comes another scandal.  As of this weekend, ousted RINO Ward no longer has a position of influence to trade with his Democrat buddies in exchange for their protection from prosecution any longer.  To this end, Ward’s woke embrace of cancel culture and the use of lawfare against REAL Republicans was on full display when he attacked HIRA News as “an organization opposing everything the Party does and that has been recently silenced.”  Well, Gene, now that your ouster has made you less useful to Hawaii’s ruling Democrats, HIRA News looks forward to loudly reporting on their prosecution of you for campaign finance fraud, theft from taxpayers, abuse of tax dollars, money laundering, wire fraud and more.  You’re no longer ‘above the law’.  Bye, Felicia.  Maybe your hero Josh Green can arrange for you sign a Democrat Party card.

Gene Ward is just another Josh Green fanboy, reflecting Ward’s ‘deep commitment’ to making Democrats look good while keeping the agenda of Republicans and conservatives in Hawaii on the sidelines forever.

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SABOTAGE: Narcissist RINO Andrew Walden Blackmailing and Extorting the Hawaii GOP



Tonight at 6:30pm, an emergency meeting of the Hawaii GOP’s state committee is being held (via the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Zoom’ video conferencing platform) to evict a RINO saboteur in the party’s ranks who threatens to destroy a major Hawaii political event in just two months.

Andrew Walden, the infamous RINO operative and the current coordinator of the Hawaii Republican Party’s (HRP) presidential caucus appears to be threatening to cancel or even sabotage the statewide March 2024 ritual scheduled every four years, which allows local party members to have a voice in picking the presidential nominee (as well as determining the mix of delegates from Hawai’i who will attend the RNC convention).

This year’s presidential caucus, featuring in-person voting from 6pm to 8pm at several dozen locations statewide, is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.  That’s just over two months from now, leaving little time for Walden’s saboteur tactics.

According to an urgent e-mail to HRP State Committee members from Tamara McKaythe current state chair who replaced Laura Nakanelua, who replaced Lohi Goodwin, who replaced Tom Dilhouse – “I’m calling an emergency State Committee meeting . . . (the) Purpose of the meeting is to elect a replacement for Andrew Walden since he failed to provide the caucus information (locations, list of volunteers and other pertinent information) as directed by the State Committee on December 21st.”

Photo from HRP’s 2016 presidential caucus won by Donald Trump

Disrespectful miscreant RINO Walden refuses to coordinate HRP’s caucus with the leaders of HRP, to include refusing to share the names of any volunteers for the polling places or the procedures to be followed because he doesn’t feel like it.  According to the minutes of the most recent meeting of HRP’s State Committee, Walden’s weeks of refusals led the State Committee to recently set a deadline to obtain his cooperation.  The following motion overwhelmingly passed:  To have Presidential Caucus Organizer Walden share all details regarding Presidential Caucus planning and execution information with all HRP County Chairs not later than 5pm on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.  That deadline came and went and Walden again refused to comply; deliberately blowing off their demand for cooperation.  Nobody should have been surprised, as Walden reportedly promised to ignore HRP’s demands even if the motion was passed; calling them “morons” and other disrespectful names while shamelessly claiming that the March caucus “could become the biggest failure” without his leadership and then daring the state committee to try and remove him (“go right ahead”).

The writing on the wall was clear to Walden.  But rather than be cooperative, he used his blog to attack party leaders and attempt to shift blame on them for any problems with the caucus.  Being the bully and utter narcissist he is, Walden exhibited palpable rage for his bruised ego; writing overnight on the Hawaii Gay Press:  “It doesn’t matter who they elect (to replace me) –nobody amongst their possible picks is even remotely capable of organizing the rest of the Caucus.  These people couldn’t even complete the agenda at their last State Convention–a much easier task.  Most have never even voted at a Caucus, much less organize one.”  The resemblance between Walden and a bratty tween is hard not to notice.

Invoking his own ‘irreplaceability’, Walden hopes to convince enough state committee members before tonight’s vote that only he knows how to use the copy machine to print ballots and then use safety cones to get voters to line up.  Nobody else is capable of using a calculator or spreadsheet to tally the results.  Nobody but Andrew Walden.  C’mon, it’s not rocket science.  Everybody in HRP is replaceable.  That’s why the job descriptions are put in writing.

RINO activist Rita Kama-Kimura (center) surrounded by fellow RINOs Laura Nakanelua, Boyd Ready, Mary Smart and Diamond Garcia

In addition to using his Hawaii Gay Press website to attack party leaders to save his own skin, Walden appears to have employed the usual RINO suspects within HRP to act as his cheerleaders.  Reportedly, corrupt former Kauai GOP county chair Steve Yoder has been making contact with state committee members in a lobbying effort.  Even RINO apologist Rita Kama-Kimura has taken it upon herself to contact these party officers in the past 24 hours via email and shamelessly boast of Walden’s invaluable experience while also noting his prickly demeanor (an understatement).  Walden himself has written to state committee members:  “I need your support at the State Cmte meeting Tues Jan 2 630pm,” while stupidly gaslighting them with nonsense in his same midnight email – “there will be no caucus and all the candidates will lose their opportunity to get delegates in Hawaii” if he is removed from his post.  Karine Jean-Pierre, eat your heart out.  Nobody gaslights like Lyin’ Andrew “Zero Integrity” Walden.

Clearly, Andrew Walden has stubbornly kept all the information about the caucus to himself in order to make himself appear irreplaceable and put HRP at a severe disadvantage.  And clearly Walden is using all means to bully the State Committee to keeping him on, despite his endless displays of disrespect and abuse.  But current party officers are no longer buying Walden’s blackmail and extortion and sabotage.  Hence, tonight’s emergency meeting.

Since belligerent Walden even refuses to share the volunteer list with HRP leaders (despite having voted to compel him to do so), they’ve had to take the embarrassing and unfortunate step of starting from scratch to obtain volunteers for the presidential caucus by posting the following message on the HRP website:

“We need volunteers to staff caucus locations. IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY SIGNED UP before 12/26/23 TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE SIGN UP AGAIN. The organizers experienced technical issues with the original sign up sheet.”

The contact information for the 190 people who reportedly signed up before Christmas appear to be lost, as Walden refuses to share this information with party leaders.

Simply put, those “technical issues” cited on HRP’s website are a euphemism for Andrew Walden’s deliberate sabotage which, like any savvy terrorist does, he is ready to blame HRP for the resulting carnage.

But his sabotage didn’t end there.  In fact, Walden reportedly contacted representatives of various presidential campaigns telling them that the party was canceling HRP’s presidential caucus, which cost each of the presidential candidates $10,000 to participate in.  Fortunately, HRP was reportedly able to reassure the leaders of these campaigns that the caucus is going ahead as schedule.  Walden was merely trying to scare them to save his own skin.  But he keeps falsely spreading the word that HRP is canceling the caucuses.

His sabotage still doesn’t end there.  Andrew “Nobody Likes Me” Walden has even abused his HRP ‘title’ of caucus organizer by misusing his soon-to-be-extinct position with HRP to stir up trouble for HRP; by reportedly attempting to solicit derogatory statements against top party officers from individuals and organizations which he hopes to publish on his blog (while simultaneously running the caucuses); demanding that they help him write nasty, crazy stories about party leaders because he is the chairman of the presidential caucus.  Without question, using his party post to harass and attack people he doesn’t like is far outside the job description for printing ballots and having secret party volunteers count them.  Walden is acting to save his own skin and shift blame to others by changing the subject.

Or could the truth be EVEN WORSE than that . . .

Everyone in the Hawaii GOP knows that the current top officers campaigned for their jobs AGAINST the RINO cabal which has controlled HRP for decades.  And everyone knows that this cabal (which includes Andrew Walden and his supporters) wants to grab power back from the “reformers” on the HRP executive committee.  Causing the disruption and cancellation of HRP’s 2024 presidential caucus would provide fodder for attacking Tamara McKay and her fellow executive officers, even if the problems were caused by Andrew Walden.  So, in theory, Walden could abuse his role coordinating the caucuses to take down the reformers in order to restore control of HRP to the RINOs.

Such a strategy would need to involve having the heads of the local campaigns for Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron Desantis join in the call for the ouster of Tamara McKay et al.  Well, any reasonable examination of the names of the leaders of those campaigns results in a reasonable conclusion.  Of course RINO Shirlene Ostrov (Trump campaign chair), RINO Andria Tupola (Haley campaign chair) and RINO Braedon Wilkerson (Desantis campaign chair, #NeverTrumper, Tupola campaign operative, and active participant in Democrat campaigns as well as the progressive activist group HAPA) have what it takes to help bring HRP back under the control of RINOs and Democrats like the party has always been . . . until now.

Ostrov, Tupola and Wilkerson have repeatedly gone out of their way to screw island Republicans and conservatives on too many occasions to list here.  Sooooo, Walden may be the ‘tip of the spear’ in a long con to oust Tamara McKay and her fellow ‘party reformers’.  And so, WHO was it that secretly appointed defiant rogue operative Walden to the very post which he might be removed from tonight?  Well, one of the biggest RINOs of them all – Laura Nakanelua, HRP’s embarrassment of a national committeewoman who served briefly as interim state chair after engineering the ouster of her predecessor Lohi Goodwin (a McKay ally) and installing herself as state chair so she could help Maui cheater Sheila Walker to become the new state chair (instead of Tamara McKay).  Yes, the plot thickens and the recipe is toxic.

RINO Andrew Walden with RINO Laura Nakanelua conspiring at HRP headquarters recently


One thing’s for sure.  Hawaii Democrats are sleeping great tonight.  All of this Walden-manufactured turmoil keeps HRP flat-footed and distracted at the start of the 2024 election year.  It was probably naive of Tamara McKay to retain RINO activist and Nakanelua-appointee Andrew Walden in the role of organizing the presidential caucus, despite his long rap sheet of RINO crimes; to include active political support of turncoat Republicans like Democrat Kym Pine, Democrat Charles Djou, Democrat Beth Fukumoto, Democrat Ann Kobayashi and other well known and lesser known RINOs and closet Democrats.  This is also the same Andrew Walden who abused his position as HRP’s rules chairman a few years back by trying to extend corrupt chairman Fritz Rohlfing’s term by an entire year (so he could help manipulate HRP on behalf of favored candidates); knowing there was no way Crooked Fritz could get re-elected by party members to another two-year term.  That’s the kind of establishment RINO putz Andrew Walden really is.

To be clear, if it all goes wrong with HRP’s March presidential caucus, Walden and all the old guard RINO establishment folks (including those who got themselves appointed to lead the local campaigns for Trump, Haley and Desantis) can and probably will blame Team Tamara and then they will do everything to take her and her team down in a matter of days or weeks.  The only question is how long this takedown has been in the planning stages.  These same RINOs don’t care about ousting Democrats at the State Capitol, in county government or in Washington, DC.  Like Andrew Walden, they only care about controlling the Hawaii Republican Party, which means RE-GAINING CONTROL from the non-establishment folks currently holding the reins.

Ultimately, having to watch RINO #NeverTrumper and hostage-taking political terrorist Walden persistently sabotage HRP through blackmail and extortion for weeks now SHOULD easily lead to an overwhelming vote tonight causing him to be unemployed by the state party after tonight’s State Committee meeting.  But like their mainland counterparts, local RINOs should never be underestimated.  They’ve led HRP to doom for decades and nobody really questions their endless thirst for power which they’ve never used to make Hawaii a better place.  So the same recycled names of liberals and closet Democrats keep popping back up in the Hawaii GOP.

Self-absorbed Walden has been ranting for days that removing him from the role of caucus coordinator is the equivalent of canceling the caucuses altogether, ‘warning’ the state committee yesterday:  “She (state chair Tamara McKay) wants to go directly to a vote on my so-called replacement.  If you let her, there will be no caucus and all the candidates will lose their opportunity to get delegates in Hawaii.”  Gaslighting much, Andrew?

Let’s hope that HRP’s State Committee has the guts to send noxious, vitriolic, loose cannon Andrew Walden packing for good tonight, from a position which doesn’t even exist in the party’s rules.  Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye RINO.

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