UNMASKED: Hardcore Anti-Trumpers Take Over Hawaii GOP to Backstab Trump and Betray Majority of Island Party Members

New Hawaii GOP State Chair Tamara McKay Gives State Party a #NeverTrump Makeover with the Help of RINO Trump Hater Chris Sununu

UNMASKED: Hardcore Anti-Trumpers Take Over Hawaii GOP to Backstab Trump and Betray Majority of Island Party Members


Are you sitting down for this breaking news story?  If not, you’d better sit down . . .

Honolulu, Hawaii – If you HATE Donald Trump, then you’re going to LOVE the new Hawaii GOP.  That’s right, after years of squeezing loyal Aloha State Trump supporters for money, volunteer time and other support, the Hawaii Republican Party’s new top officers are enthusiastically ripping off their plastic Trump masks to reveal their true #NeverTrump personas; showing that they HATE Donald Trump as much as RINO’s like outgoing New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu does.  After all, RINO Sununu spent the last two years trashing Trump and proclaiming that, “We’ve got to make sure Donald Trump ISN’T the nominee” in 2024.


It’s a simple fact.  Local Republican voters and party members, like their national counterparts, overwhelmingly support Trump against Biden in next year’s General Election,.  But today, they are telling HIRA News how shocked and saddened they are to learn that they’ve been slapped in the face by new state party chair Tamara McKay and fellow event promoter Jacob Wiencek of Hawaii Young Republicans (and Wiencek’s anti-HIRA “Aloha Republicans” Twitter page) after they handpicked and recruited RINO and full-time Trump hater Chris Sununu as the keynote speaker and “distinguished guest” for the Hawaii GOP’s upcoming “Masks” fundraiser to be held in three weeks . . . only hours after these same party leaders cashed a generous, quickly mailed $10,000 check from the Donald Trump campaign to the financially strapped state party.

That’s right.  The moment that party leaders deposited Trump’s check into the Hawaii GOP bank account, McKay and Wiencek and the party’s executive committee recruited notorious anti-Trumper Chris Sununu to come in and serve as the headliner for their desperate last minute fundraiser to save the party’s soon-to-be-foreclosed headquarters – an HQ which apparently will be used to undermine Trump’s candidacy and help advance the RINO agenda over the next 13 months.

Don’t believe it?  Recall how HRP vice chair Al Frenzel used his party position (and his position as head of the Hawaii Trump campaign) to actively undermine Trump supporters across the state in 2020.  The state party did absolutely NOTHING to help Trump in 2020 while party leaders attacked those who took it upon themselves to organize signwaving, caravans, and more.  [Make no mistake, those state GOP leaders have done ZERO to ensure Republican victory in Hawaii for nearly one full year since the 2022 General Election, leaving the likely GOP presidential nominee with ZERO help in winning votes.]



With hundreds of high profile Republicans and conservatives to choose from as keynote speakers to bring to Hawaii, state chair McKay picked the nation’s biggest and most notorious anti-Trump crusader to help grab cash from unsuspecting party members and donors.  The choice of RINO Chris Sununu as the “special guest speaker” for Tamara McKay’s very first fundraiser as state chair, reportedly titled “The Masks of Fake Conservatism” Gala Fundraiser, really rips the mask off these phony Republicans who now control the Hawaii GOP.

It’s obviously being planned a coming out party for the new anti-Trump party led by the kind of overt anti-Trumpers that the Biden protecting local, liberal news media at Hawaii News Now and Civil Beat and the Star-BirdCageLiner will fawn over as ‘moderate’ and ‘centrist’ and ‘reasonable’ party leaders.  Certainly, importing one of MSNBC’s most frequent guests should tell Republicans what their own party’s leaders in Hawaii REALLY think of them . . . especially since Sununu told the audience at the Gridiron Dinner that Trump is “fucking crazy”, to the delight of audience members such as Anthony Fauci, Merrick Garland, Adam Schiff and other far-lefties.

Until today, HRP state chair Tamara McKay kept her apparent loathing of Donald Trump a secret.  But now, with McKay organizing alongside anti-Trump RINO Jacob Wiencek to sell tickets for an anti-Trump Chris Sununu fundraiser, it’s clear that the decision has been made to pander to the anti-Trump vote in Hawaii in a fruitless gambit to convince Biden’s base voters to switch parties by making the Hawaii GOP a leader in #NeverTrump ideology.


Just how deep is the hatred for Trump exhibited by Chairwoman Tamara McKay and her sidekick at Hawaii Young Republicans, Jacob Wiencek??  Well, RINO Wiencek, who was recently installed as chairman of YR’s by establishment RINO Laura Nakanelua, makes no bones about his absolute hatred of Donald Trump“The entire GOP is not and should NEVER be the personality cult of crooked and corrupt Donald Trump!  We can still say NO to this malignant force in our politics.  A vote for Trump is a vote FOR failed Biden-Harris,” writes Wiencek.


As a booster of #NeverTrump sentiment, a supporter of Chris Sununu, and a hater of Donald Trump, Hawaii Young Republican chairman Wiencek wasted no time sharing his excitement that Tamara McKay made Sununu the headliner for the Hawaii GOP’s very first fundraiser since McKay took over the party from Laura Nakanelua (who took it over from Lohi Goodwin, who took it over from Tom Dilhouse, who took it over from Diamond Garcia, who took it over from Lynn Finnegan, who took it over from Signe Godfrey).


Trump is beating Biden by 9 points in the latest poll, but State Chair Tamara McKay and Young Republicans chair Jacob Wiencek (along with the Executive Committee and State Committee of HRP) are taking Hawaii’s GOP in a whole new direction which kicks Donald Trump to the curb.  Indeed, with a commanding and massive lead in the polls, Trump and his many island supporters are clearly getting the shaft from McKay by choosing a headliner who hates Trump and wants him to lose.  Can GOP state chair Tamara McKay’s message to Republicans in Hawaii be any clearer?!?


Not only has McKay made it clear, Chris Sununu has made his mission extremely clear, as set forth by the New Hampshire Journal, where Sununu presides as governor.


Since taking over Hawaii Young Republicans on July 26th, new HYP chairman and major Tamara McKay supporter Jacob Wiencek has made a point of regularly attacking Trump while celebrating the Hawaii GOP’s steady movement in an anti-Trump direction.  None of Wiencek’s fellow officers at HYP seem to be bothered, including HYP vice chair Tiana Wilbur, HYP national committeewoman (and HRP state secretary) Taylor Kaaumoana, national committeeman and HIRA News hater Travis Brown, HYP senior advisors Laura Nakanelua and Dylan Andrion, and HYP council members Samantha DeCorte and Brett Kulbis.  It must be assumed that for HYP to promote Trump hater Chris Sununu, then it must be with the full support and authorization of Wiencek’s fellow officers.  OR, has Wiencek gone rogue since personally getting onboard the Chris Sununu train back in January 2023?  If Wiencek has merely ‘gone rogue’ (along with low information, inexperienced Tamara McKay going rogue to piss off Trump supporters) by using his control of HYR to ‘proudly’ promote RINO #NeverTrumper Chris Sununu, then there’s a sure need for island Republicans to perform more due diligence in selecting its leaders, so that RINOs, MAGA haters, and #NeverTrump obsessives are prevented from taking control of HRP and its auxiliaries, rather than constantly letting fake Republicans infiltrate the weak Hawaii GOP and take it in the overtly liberal direction promoted by Wiencek and McKay.


Wiencek’s many posts reveal a person obsessed with Trump hatred as well as hatred for Trump supporters whom he refers to as ‘hyperpartisan nuts’ whom the HYP chairman declares “will drive us into the electoral ditch” . . .

Presumably, these photos contain some of those people regarded as “nuts” by Young Republicans Hawaii chairman Jacob Wiencek, and presumably by Chris Sununu and his Hawaii GOP sponsor, Tamara McKay.

It’s not known if the local Trump supporters pictured above are also included among the alleged antisemites that Wiencek says are “part & parcel of the #MAGA faction of GOP” who must be ‘dislodged’ from the Republican Party.  [HIRA News asserts that Wiencek would be dead wrong to include the individuals photographed above.]

Tamara McKay ally and fellow HRP State Committee member Wiencek openly advocates pushing the Hawaii GOP in a more liberal direction, which is precisely what RINO Chris Sununu has been pushing for.  Sununu’s support for illegal immigration and abortion rights are just a sneak preview of the progressivism embraced by Wiencek . . . progressivism which is apparently embraced by Wiencek’s fellow officers at the Hawaii Young Republicans and the Hawaii Republican Party and the Honolulu County Republican Party, hence their joint promotion of Chris Sununu’s fundraising appearance at HRP’s headquarters in three weeks.


WARNING TO HAWAII REPUBLICANS:  If Tamara McKay is pushing the Hawaii GOP in a liberal direction, and if Jacob Wiencek wants the GOP to move in a liberal direction, then no wonder Wiencek LOVES the new direction of the Hawaii Republican Party and says so on his social media feeds.

Since Jacob Wiencek obviously exerts a LOT of control over Tamara McKay and the Hawaii GOP right now, then let’s do a quick dive into Young Republican chairman Wiencek’s Twitter feed from the past few weeks, during the lead up to the announcement of RINO Chris Sununu as the headliner for the Hawaii Republican Party’s fundraiser . . .

Chairman of Hawaii Young Republicans

“I too am strongly opposed to a second Trump term”
September 24, 2023

“Crooked & corrupt #DonaldJTrump can’t stop LOSING!  A vote for him is a vote for four more years of FAILED #BidenHarris weakness!”
August 15, 2023

“Trump isn’t some embattled activist trying to make his country better. He’s a crook.”
August 4, 2023

“Crooked #DonaldTrump is determined to take our party down w/ him.”
August 4, 2023

“Holding Trump accountable for his actions is far from Soviet justice. Trump is the Leninist here.”
August 6, 2023

“Donald Trump is a menace to American politics & our party. We don’t have to support him! He’s NOT going to beat Joe Biden come 2024. We can do better! We must do better than Trump! #NeverAgainTrump #GOP #Election2024”
July 28, 2023

“We wouldn’t be here if Trump wasn’t a crook trying to infringe upon our Constitution!”
July 20, 2023

“@Mike_Pence gets it! #Trump set #GOP up for FAILURE”
June 25, 2023

“Rebuilding the moderate/liberal wing of @GOP is crucial to building state & federal electoral majorities to govern!”
September 22, 2022


While these quotes are from the last few weeks, Tamara McKay’s sidekick Jacob Wiencek has been flying the anti-Trump flag for over seven years now.  Did fellow Republicans like Laura Nakanelua or Brett Kulbis or Tiana Wilbur or Taylor Kaaumoana who put Wiencek in charge of Young Republicans bother to perform any vetting of the RINO Trump hater who wants the GOP to move in a liberal direction?  Probably not.  But, if they did, we’re in even more trouble than we realize . . . especially if they keep him on in that position.


BUT IT GETS WORSE, FOLKS:  If the handpicked keynote speaker is sending an unmistakable message from Tamara McKay, Jacob Wiencek and other top Hawaii GOP leaders, are they alone in challenging Trump’s fitness for the nomination and another four years as president?  Well, the last HRP fundraiser held in March 2023 featured two unabashed Trump critics, Pat Saiki and Diamond Garcia.

With its forthcoming “Mask” fundraiser starring Chris Sununu, the Hawaii Republican party is tearing its own mask off; revealing than it hates Donald Trump worse than anybody – even when he sends them a $10,000 check as they desperately try to save their rarely utilized and overpriced headquarters at 725 Kapiolani Blvd.  The proof is right before our own eyes.

After spending most of 2023 and 2022 bashing 2024 presidential candidate and likely nominee Donald Trump,   (the pro-choice, pro-illegal immigration, and anti-Trump RINO and northeastern liberal governor of New Hampshire) has been hand selected by the Hawaii Republican Party to help rebrand the state GOP as a #NeverTrump party along the lines that party defectors Charles Djou, Beth Fukumoto and Kymberly Pine Ryglowski would be proud of.  Even Pat Saiki would surely approve of the selection of anybody-but-Trump Sununu to help the newly-elected state GOP chair Tamara McKay and her RINO colleague Jacob Wiencek (pictured here with Democrat mayor Kirk Caldwell) rip the pro-Trump mask off the troubled and nearly bankrupt party.

Maybe catering to the #NeverTrump gang is a way for Tamara McKay to loosen the pursestrings of major Hawaii GOP donor and Trump hater Kevin Spillane, who believes a Donald Trump victory would be WORSE than Donald Trump losing the election.


Even Oahu county chair Steve Lipscomb’s Honolulu County Republican Party has gotten in on the promotion of #NeverTrumper Chris Sununu . . .

IN CLOSING:   When Tamara McKay’s #1 choice to be HRP’s keynote speaker is the exact same guy leading the opposition to Trump (currently ahead of Biden by +9 points and ahead of his nearest GOP competitor by +39 points), it’s clear that the heads of the Hawai’i GOP and the Hawai’i Young Republicans and the Oahu County Republican Party have turned against Donald Trump and are using their positions to convince other island Republicans to join them in opposing Biden’s chief Republican rival for the White House.  It’s only a matter of time before additional island GOP party leaders are identified as #NeverTrumpers.

Based solely on the evidence uncovered here, island party members are sure to be horrified when they REALLY get to know the folks leading the Hawaii GOP in 2023 and 2024They are just as liberal, incompetent and corrupt as the gang running our party for the past few decades.  In the meantime, for just $50 dollars, you can pay Tamara to sit inside party headquarters and hear Chris Sununu tell you how much Donald Trump sucks.  Meet the new RINO party bosses.  Same as the old RINO party bosses.  Auwe!

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