THE PLOT THICKENS: Top Hawaii GOP Officers Push Self-Destruct Button, Over and Over and Over

Over the course of these few hours, it became clear that ‘deep state’ RINO control of the Hawaii Republican Party is worse than ever.



Photo: HIRA News

Unbeknownst to island Republicans, the new executive officers of the Hawaii GOP gathered around their computers last Thursday (06 (06 July 2023) and held a virtual “Executive Committee” meeting over the CCP’s Zoom teleconferencing software – a depressing meeting which sowed the seeds of another two years of disastrous party management and continued domination of Hawaii policy and politics by liberal Democrats.  Over the course of these few hours, it became clear that ‘deep state’ RINO control of the Hawaii Republican Party is worse than ever.  The deep state RINO’s from Team Dalhouse, Team Ostrov, Team Finnegan and Team Garcia really twisted the knife in the backs of real Republicans with a combination of bad results, bad direction, bad decisions, and an enduring culture of corruption.

Since party leaders don’t share any news of value to party members, the media or the public, HIRA News is providing verified and highly sourced info about the Hawaii GOP.  So, here’s a brief summary of what happened, plus a sneak preview of the agenda items pushed to TODAY’s HRP Exec Cmte Zoom meeting (closed to guests, as party leaders know that your stomach would turn if you saw what these RINOs have been doing and are still planning to do).  Sorry, folks.  The picture is quite bleak . . . but none of the bad news will keep them from asking for your money.  [You can always say “no”.]


HUGE PARTY DEBT EXCEEDS CASH ON HAND:   A massive amount of funds was allegedly stolen by previous party officers to pay lawyers for unapproved legal work, leaving the state party up to its eyeballs in debt.  To be sure, “stolen” means that the party’s governing State Committee of several dozen elected party leaders from Hilo to Hanalei were PREVENTED from knowing about or deciding on the $33,000 in expenditures on lawyers.  So, when HIRA News reports that “funds were stolen by previous officers to pay lawyers”, that’s what this means.  No permission was obtained to put the party in debt to the attorneys who somehow magically got picked out of the Yellow Pages without any input from the governing State Committee.

New state chair, Cheatin’ Tom Dilhouse, asked his immediate predecessor Diamond Garcia (who was on the Zoom call) why Garcia and Lynn Finnegan and treasurer Steve Holck and executive director Maryann “Mele” Songsong would commit tens of thousands of dollars (a.k.a. steal $33,000) without getting permission from the State Committee.  But Garcia stayed SILENT when asked about why he and Finnegan handed over a broke party to Dalhouse or why he and Finnegan had no problem giving attorneys a blank check or why Ostrov and Holck weren’t being held liable for the $60,000 fine incurred by HRP, or why Lynn Mele and Diamond aren’t being held liable for the $33,000 in unauthorized legal costs, even though he was clearly still connected to the call.

Garcia flunkie and Kauai county chair Ana Mohamed Desmarais (who goes by the stage name “Ana Mo Des”) went on the defense and tried to fill the void of Garcia’s noticeable silence by pretending that Diamond Garcia had nothing to do with the massive expenditure.  Further, Ms. Mohamed didn’t seem to mind that the meter for attorney fees was still running and that the $33,000 owed by HRP to the attorney was still growing and growing.  Indeed, “Ana Mo Des” pushed the Finnegan/Songsong/Garcia position of refusing to negotiate or settle or mediate the lawsuit against HRP filed by party members who are sick of the corruption and cheating by party leaders.  The discussion merely petered out while these new leaders simply let the legal fees grow and grow and grow, despite the party being broke and unpopular with its own members, let alone the public.  Members would be disgusted to learn how casually party leaders regard this financial sinkhole, as if nobody would ever find out and that the debt will somehow magically disappear.

From Tom Dilhouse’s presentation slides at last Thursday’s Exec Cmte meeting

Dilhouse gave a “Fundraising Update”:  No $$ raised yet.  Nothing to report.  Working on a plan. RNC said NO to helping with any $$.  “RNC has no funding sources to give. I’ve already pushed that button a few times,” reports Dilhouse.  Yes, those delinquency lawyers from the property management company who’ve been waiting for the back rent (and current rent) will be very unimpressed with the lack progress and the sad financial state of affairs.

Discussion was held that maybe a fundraiser should be organized.  Nobody volunteered.  Dilhouse opined that he hopes people will buy HRP t-shirts from the state party’s online store.  Well, that “Fundraising Update” solved nothing.  The self-described “most unpopular person in the party” Sheila Walker (Team Dalhouse’s cheating coordinator on Maui and a failed candidate from the Dalhouse slate) participated in last Thursday’s Zoom call.  When running for state treasurer, Walker laughably said that the treasurer’s job was to raise money, rather than to ensure all monies were accounted for.  HRP mainland donor and long distance puppetmaster Kevin Spillane menacingly and threateningly insisted that Sheila Walker get the treasurer job and that Dilhouse flunkie Joel Borgquist be tossed aside or else he’ll stop donating to HRP altogether.  Well, neither of those demands were realized, as Walker lost ‘bigly’ and Borgquist has taken over Dilhouse’s shady self-funded SuperPAC.  So, HRP is in an even bigger financial trouble than the new officers probably realize.

In case you’re wondering, Team Dalhouse’s Keone Simon won the office of vice chairman of coalitions for HRP by only two votes (through dozens of improper votes in the rigged convention and runoff election).  His first order of business was to appoint Dalhouse’s cheating coordinator Crooked Sheila Walker to take his place at this crucial meeting, since he was unavailable.  That’s right, Keone Simon actually picked crooked Sheila Walker to substitute for him even though he knows she coordinated the cheating that resulted in his own squeaker of an election and Tim Dalhouse’s election.  If that sleazy decision to give slimeball Sheila Walker a place at the table doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about Mr. Simon, then you haven’t been paying attention.  Plus, with absent national committeeman Gene Ward appointing Crooked Shirlene Ostrov to take his place on the crucial Zoom meeting, that tells you everything you need to know about Gene Ward.


PARTY HOMELESSNESS IS FAST BECOMING REALITY:  The homelessness problem in Hawaii continues to worsen.  Now, island Republicans are about to become homeless, as HIRA News recently broke the story that party leaders stopped paying rent for its official headquarters for HRP at 725 Kapiolani Blvd.  This is the same HQ that RINOs insisted be purchased and repeatedly saved from foreclosure for the past two decades, resulting in the diversion of funds away from winning elections and into the black hole of a barely utilized office suite where there is more dust and mold than volunteers or strategizing.  Now, top party leaders hope to sell off this once crucial HQ (if is doesn’t get foreclosed on first) and blow all the proceeds from the sale on the 2024 election campaign.

New HRP state chair Tom Dilhouse confirmed the HIRA News story . . . only with a higher figure than we reported:  HRP now owes $12,674.28, because Lynn Finnegan, Diamond Garcia and Steve Holck weren’t paying the rent.  Indeed, the figure is even higher since July’s deadline for another month of rent was due on the 1st, which came and went.

From the draft minutes of last Thursday’s Exec Cmte meeting

The surprise admission that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been wasted over the past 10 election cycles on this overpriced, money-losing albatross appears to have the support of building co-owner, the Oahu League of RINO Women (OLRW); the organization of closet Democrats who play the lead role in picking HRP’s officers and ensuring that conservatives never run the party or control its agenda.  Current OLRW president and disgraced former HRP state chair Shirlene Ostrov (who fired the executive committee during her tenure, when she wasn’t busy illegally laundering party monies) made it clear that she hopes to convince OLRW bigwigs to sell the very HQ that they have been aggressively guarding for years and years (as they have a free office in perpetuity, all utilities included, inside the HRP HQ).

At last Thursday’s meeting, Ostrov said:  “The OLRW would like to cease further discussion (about the sale of HQ) until we have our meeting so we can have a synchronized position.  We just need to move in tandem and with our attorney.”  Ostrov didn’t bother to mention to her largely uninformed colleagues that she became state chair several years earlier because that same OLRW organization went into overdrive making sure HRP elected a chair who opposed EVER selling the office space.  Now, with a chance to make some serious money off the sale of the HQ for both HRP and OLRW, the only obstacle to HRP chair Tom Dilhouse and OLRW president Shirlene Ostrov getting their grubby hands on the proceeds (estimated $400K each).

From Tom Dilhouse’s presentation slides at last Thursday’s Exec Cmte meeting

With the increasingly likely prospect of HRP campaigning statewide for the first time in decades without any headquarters to call home, one of the funniest and saddest moments of the meeting came when Dilhouse had to be persuaded that HRP needs a well thought out plan how it can operate during Election 2024 and beyond as a homeless party BEFORE deciding to sell the HQ.  Eagerly wanting to blow $400K on the next election and related expenses appeared to blind Dilhouse to the obvious need to perform any due diligence as a political party already struggling for survival in a state that is FAR more “blue” than when a grand opening was held for the HQ decades earlier.

In a state where $30 billion gets spent each year by county and state politicians, a few thousand dollars per month spent on rent for office space would seem a small price to pay for a multi-million dollar Hawaii Republican movement which ostensibly is designed to unseat Democrats from power.  Like a good closet Democrat, GOP State Chair Dilhouse already has plans for those proceeds . . . big, expensive plans which will enrich his cronies.  More about that below . . .


LAWSUITS AGAINST INDIVIDUAL PARTY OFFICERS FOR ALLEGED MALFEASANCE ARE NOT COVERED BY ANY INSURANCE POLICY:   HRP’s repeated malfeasance under several consecutive state chairs caused HRP to get sued; with cases still pending.  As mentioned above, attorneys were secretly given a blank check to run up legal fees, which now exceed $33,000 in non-budgeted and questionably approved expenses and debt.  New state chair (and political ally to those past state chairs) Tom Dilhouse admitted that his fellow RINOs could have avoided such costly legal expenses by simply purchasing “directors and officers insurance” for as little as $2,800 per year.  Sadly, voters put people like Diamond Garcia and Gene Ward and Lynn Finnegan into office . . . politicians and HRP officers who have zero business sense (or common sense) and who recklessly ran up a huge tab which keeps rising.  Why is it still rising?  Because none of these executive officers yesterday or today demanded a cessation to the billable work by the attorney and because the committee failed to see this past Thursday how settling the case and meeting with the plaintiffs could be of any benefit.  In the meantime, these same monkeys who control HRP’s executive committee control a party which is broke and can’t even afford the D&O insurancethereby exposing each of them to personal liability for the lawsuits.  And, so that there’s no doubt, D&O policies are NOT retroactive to cover bad deeds of the past.  Judging from last week’s meeting of these top party bosses, they are sure to get HRP in more legal and even criminal hot water going forward.

From Tom Dilhouse’s presentation slides at last Thursday’s Exec Cmte meeting


DEEP STATE CORRUPTION AT HRP GETS DEEPER STILL:  HRP chair Dilhouse has been working feverishly on filling a key position at the state party which is essential to continued RINO control of the state party – the chairman of HRP’s rules committee.  This person gets to decide when party rules get ignored, twisted, or ‘reinterpreted’ so that his or her boss (the state chair) can do whatever he or she wants to do with the HRP, its money, its elections, its conventions and much more.  With corrupt Celyn Chonkee of OLRW unable to fulfill her duties after years of crooked leadership of HRP’s rules committee, Dilhouse attempted unsuccessfully to install crooked RINO dinosaur Boyd Ready into the post.  That humiliating defeat several weeks ago led to last Thursday’s need for Dilhouse to break the tie when the Exec Cmte voted on the latest corrupt RINO dinosaur to be nominated for the post:  Closet Democrat “Silent Mary” Smart.  More than almost anyone, HRP’s past state treasurer Mary Smart was directly responsible for the election of Crooked Shirlene Ostrov as state chair, which wrought nearly four years of political self-destruction and a veritable crime wave at HRP which cost the party $60,000 in fines to the FEC for reckless lawbreaking in the form of apparent money laundering, secret bank accounts and off-the-radar bookkeeping.  In case you just came to the party, Ostrov was the same state chair who forbade Republicans in Hawaii from protesting the draconian Covid lockdowns which destroyed our economy and delivered record price inflation which persists today.

Well, the very same RINO who led the charge to install Crooked Ostrov is now the rules chair, with Mary Smart endorsed by Ostrov herself at last Thursday’s meeting.  Barely confirmed by an embarrassing 9 to 8 vote following national committeewoman Laura Nakanelua’s unhinged rant against anyone who dared to speak negatively about Mary Smart’s past actions in HRP, Dilhouse broke the tie to ensure that Smart would be his loyal, corrupt soldier going forward.  Perhaps Smart will be as loyal to Tom Dilhouse as Boyd Ready was to Lynn Finnegan, who had no problem with the Rules Cmte being prevented from holding meetings for nearly two years, in order to keep a lid on HRP’s internal corruption, rigged conventions, election interference, and related scandals.

Observers and participants of last Thursday’s Zoom meeting commented that the entire discussion of “Silent Mary’s” nomination was a scripted infomercial by RINOs, including the righteous indignation by deep state RINO Laura Nakanelua attacking new HRP vice chair for community service Joelle Seashell for daring to express her reservations about Mary Smart based on extensive negative experience with Smart.

What went undiscussed during the awkward conversation about Silent Mary’s nomination is that she previously remained silent and did jack squat about Shirlene Ostrov’s crimes, so it’s no wonder Ostrov returned the favor during the Zoom meeting by vouching for Silent Mary.  Never forget that Mary Smart never spoke out against Ostrov’s money laundering or the firing of Ostrov’s exec committee or last-minute usurpation of HRP’s platform committee (throwing away all its months of work in favor of some drivel that Ostrov and her crony wrote instead) or any of Ostrov’s dictatorial or downright criminal actions.  Critics of Mary Smart explained last Thursday that Mary Smart wants a top-down party, not a collaborative body of fellow Republicans.  HIRA News can report that Mary Smart did NOTHING at all about all Team Dalhouse’s cheating in party elections during 2023 and has no plans to EVER do anything to obtain justice for the assault on election integrity at caucuses, conventions and such.  NO wonder she was also endorsed during the Zoom conference by morally bankrupt ‘minister’ Diamond Garcia, leader of the pro-Dalhouse cheating effort.  The new rules chair is not expected to take action on all the cheating in the party’s rigged convention, carrying on the same blindness as her predecessors Boyd Ready and Celyn Chonkey.  Installing Crooked RINO Mary Smart as the rules chief of this corrupt state party was and is a slap in the face to real Republicans from Hilo to Hanalei.

“Silent Mary” Smart (on right, in pink) fits right in with the RINOs who have destroyed the Hawaii GOP . . . RINOs like Democrat Charles Djou (far left, really), Anti-USA activist Al Frenzel (in back), crooked Shirlene Ostrov (always front and center), Illegal Immigration advocate Gene Ward (back-center, but really far left), Ostrov’s shady boyfriend Mark Blackburn (2nd from right in back row), and assorted other closet Democrats who control HRP.



Their wide-reaching and mostly unfinished agenda will be continued again tonight at 6pm via another Zoom meeting (since Tom Dilhouse doesn’t even live on Oahu).  Based on the nearly dozen matters of unfinished business from last Thursday’s agenda, here is a sneak preview of the major travesties to come.

“Membership Terminations” – While state chair Dilhouse hasn’t initiated any terminations of party memberships like his thin-skinned, dictatorial predecessors, he’s just getting started.  The HRP roadside is littered with expelled party members who have dared to expose the corruption and lawlessness of the deep state RINO cabal which has controlled HRP for decades.  Throwing out registered Republicans (usually conservatives) is an easy way for a state chair to curry favor with other RINOs.  Dealing with the aftermath of such actions might be why Dilhouse has added this to tonight’s agenda.  Or, he already has more targets in mind for removal.  Stay tuned . . .

“Establishment of State Officer Expectations & Ground Rules” – Starting with the rein of terror under Shirlene Ostrov, state chairs have rarely asked permission from the Executive Committee or the larger State Committee (the true governing body of HRP) to do anything.  That’s why the party is in so much trouble, financially, legally and otherwise.  With eight HRP executive officer posts up for election in May 2023 and with only a mere three of those posts being filled by Dalhouse and two allies, the new state chair is surrounded by five reform-minded executive party officers from the competing slate at the state convention.  So, it’s no wonder that Dilhouse wants to put those five on the tightest possible leash through the ‘establishment of expectations and ground rules’ for those do-gooders who ran because they were sick of HRP’s corruption and its political irrelevance.

The past few weeks have revealed Dilhouse to be out of his depth in running a volunteer organization; clearly hoping he could be regarded as a ‘chief executive officer’ or a ‘generalissimo’ who answers only to himself and never gets his motives or decisions questioned by fellow party leaders.  Cheatin’ Tom is in for a rude awakening and possibly an early retirement from politics if he tries to ignore the role that cheating played in his razor-thin victory for the state chair position, let alone the mandate from party members for a fresh look at how HRP does business.  And here’s why Dilhouse needs to be careful . . .

LINING THE POCKETS OF A FRIEND a.k.a. “Financial Auditor Choice” – When outgoing state chair Diamond Garcia and outgoing state treasurer Steve Holck handed the keys for HRP headquarters to Tom Dilhouse and they failed to mention that the party is completely broke, in debt, and at risk of losing the HQ due to failure to pay the rent, even Cheatin’ Tom had to buy into the urgency for an audit of the party’s finances.  Pressure has been quickly building to audit the past few years of party financial activity and records after the new officers inherited a financially bankrupt party organization with virtually zero dollars in any of its bank accounts.

But what’s the plan?  How many years back will the audit cover?  Will the legality and legitimacy of expenditures be reviewed?  What action will be taken to recover improper expenses, say the $60,000 fine which HRP paid to the FEC (which ended up being paid by the RNC which now has denied HRP any more money for its expenses, therefore essentially was paid by HRP)?

That’s right, RNC can’t help HRP with its financial problems, as they already bailed out HRP a few months ago by paying the $60,000 fine for the alleged misconduct of Ostrov and Holck of creating a secret mainland bank account for secretly laundering funds through HRP and never reporting millions of dollars in transactions for mainland campaigns to the FEC.  The big question is WHY isn’t HRP and RNC going after Ostrov and Holck to reimburse for the $60,000 in wasted donor funds thanks to their ‘alleged’ financial impropriety?  Why isn’t restitution on the agenda?  Instead, as mentioned above, Ostrov actually took part in this meeting to return the favor to Mary Smart by pushing the executive committee to approve Smart as HRP rules chair.

Anyway, if you’ve been watching Cheatin’ Tim Dilhouse in action, then you can easily conclude he doesn’t really care about getting to the bottom of the party’s financial problems and has zero intention of dealing with these costly scandals (which he has already likened to retribution and living in the past).  It turns out that he just wants to spend party funds which HRP does not yet have on his crony’s questionable mainland business operation.

Don’t believe it.  His top choice for the auditing contract is Thomas Datwyler, who not coincidentally does the campaign finance reporting for Dilhouse’s failed congressional campaign and for Dilhouse’s shady SuperPAC which is currently being investigated for felonious activity during Hawaii’s 2022 election campaign.  Yes, Dilhouse wants to pay the guy who helped multiple candidates and their campaign committees to cook the books and hide the coordinated support from Dalhouse’s SuperPAC which was funded by own pocket.  [A clever way to evade individual contributor limits, until caught that is.]  As Dilhouse explained, “Hawaii Conservatives was not good at fundraising – Tim and & Alicia Dalhouse were just big donors. Over 95% of the funds spent by that PAC came directly from me.”

Let’s get to know #1 choice for the auditing contract, Thomas Datwyler of AX Capital.  Datwyler also works with swamp creatures like Lisa Murkowski (photo) who likes to vote with Democrats.  According to numerous news stories, Datwyler is reportedly linked to the campaign of crooked nutjob congressman George Santos who is now charged with Fraud, Money Laundering, Theft of Public Funds, and False Statements.  Sure, you know U.S. Rep. George Santos, who allegedly embezzled contributions from supporters and fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits in order to live his disturbing double life as a crossdresser and more.

Earlier this year, the misreporting of $150,000 in contributions to a Republican U.S. Senate candidate resulted in a $15,000+ fine blamed on Thomas Datwyler.  That campaign laid blame for the FEC woes with Datwyler, the former treasurer for the Senate bid.  Elizabeth Curtis, who replaced Datwyler in the role, wrote to the FEC in December that she discovered the errors.

“Due to the stunning number of inexplicable reporting errors made by Mr. Datwyler, including errors in reattributions, errors in reporting correct elections, late filed 48-hour reports, handling of contributions that may or may not be permissible, and incorrect distribution of [joint fundraising committee] funds, ignoring the FEC and potentially incurring significant fines without notifying the Committee, the Committee expects it will take some time to unravel Mr. Datwyler’s mess.”

You can only guess why deep state operative Cheatin’ Tom Dilhouse is so eager to blow the party’s money on his shady crony from Wisconsin.  Even worse than the disgusting cronyism at play here is that Dilhouse wants to award the contract beforethe goals of the audit and/or the scope of work has even been thoroughly developed and approved.  As you probably guessed, this move would give beta male RINO Dilhouse direct control through his buddy Datwyler over what gets uncovered (or what remains covered up) by any audit.  Other members of HRP’s executive committee have put forward other candidates for the auditing work (including tasking new state treasurer Jodi Beaty at no charge).  But, watching how the RINO’s pushed through “Silent Mary” Smart’s horrendous nomination as Rules Chair, Dilhouse has learned how to count votes and get his way by pushing his RINO vision for HRP.

To be sure, word has it that HRP is about to file its fourth consecutive set of fraudulent and illegally nontransparent financial disclosures to the FEC and the State Campaign Spending Commission, with deadlines coming in a few days.  Already under investigation for this ongoing fraud and related ‘alleged’ criminal activity, though the blame is squarely on Dalhouse’s buddies that preceded him, state and federal law will pin the responsibility on the current party officers for the fraud.  Ouch!

CEASE AND DESIST a.k.a. “Use of ‘GOP’ by counties is not authorized” – More evidence that Tom Dilhouse is a clone/puppet of corrupt, deep state autocrats Diamond Garcia and Lynn Finnegan is revealed in this next item on today’s agenda of HRP’s executive committee.  Unbeknownst to 99.99% of island Republicans, Team Dalhouse and its supporters launched an all-out assault on the county party organizations of Oahu and Maui.  Dalhouse supporters, in the form of the cabal of Mele Songsong, Lynn Finnegan, and Diamond Garcia, convinced a low-level moron in the RNC legal office to send threatening “Cease and Desist” letters to the heads of these two (and only two) county organizations, as Oahu and Maui are hotbeds for anti-RINO sentiment within HRP, while the Kauai, West Hawaii and East Hawaii ‘counties’ are considered pro-RINO.  The letters demanded that the Maui GOP and Oahu GOP pull down their websites and social media accounts and ‘cease and desist’ from operating as county GOP entities.

Like hundreds of their counterparts across the nation, HRP’s county GOP organizations have been operating for decades for the advancement of the Republican Party here in the Aloha State.  But just one month before the May 2023 state convention, threatening leaders were received by the county leaders of just two of the five county party organizations.  Why, you might ask?  Well, Maryann “Mele” Songsong, Diamond Garcia, Lynn Finnegan and Team Dalhouse were determined to emasculate the two counties which were most likely to send delegates to the state convention which would vote for change and thereby vote against more RINOs like the random slate of RINO candidates offered up by Team Dalhouse.

Dilhouse’ inclusion of the “Use of ‘GOP’ by counties is not authorized’ in today’s agenda shows that he is 100% complicit with the ill-advised attempt to shut down the two most powerful and organized Republican counties in the state to consolidate control and achieve the type top-down state party RINO’s prefer.  Knowing that only he and two of his eight running mates from Team Dalhouse managed to get elected (versus FIVE from the competing ‘reform’ slate led by Charlotte Rosecrans) certainly drives Dilhouse’s apparent desire to use strongarm tactics to squelch future uprisings among dissatisfied Republicans statewide.

When the ‘cease and desist’ letters were first received, these were initially regarded as a bad joke being played by a leftist forger.  But Finnegan/Garcia henchwoman “Mele” Songsong was VERY quick to let the affected county leaders know that the ‘cease and desist’ order was VERY real.  And today, the legal threat tactic designed by the supporters of Team Dalhouse to influence the outcome of the state convention appears to be part of a long game to bring county GOP organizations to heel in Hawaii.  It was sad to see the RNC so easily manipulated into helping RINOs cheat their way to continued control of our party.  Now, it’s sad to see this problem rear its ugly head on today’s agenda.

Now that the conventions and the runoff election are over, Tom Dilhouse wants to prevent any pushback from strong GOP counties by getting them to take down their websites and social media accounts, hence the Team Dalhouse agenda declaring that the “Use of ‘GOP’ by counties is not authorized”.  It will be interesting to see if Dalhouse sycophant and new Rules Chair “Silent Mary” Smart will help enforce such a ridiculous assertion . . . especially when hundreds of mainland Republican county organizations utilize “GOP” with their websites and more.

That’s right!!!   Hundreds of county level Republican party organizations from coast to coast use the word “GOP” in everything from their website URL to everything else.  Crooked Tom Dilhouse is lying.  And the hack attorney from the RNC is lying.  Are we really supposed to believe that two specific county GOP organizations in Hawaii are forbidden from using the term “GOP” while hundredsof other county parties nationwide are operating just fine and without interference by crooked RINOs??

Check out these county GOP websites and hundreds more like them:

After receiving the cease and desist letter before the state convention, Honolulu GOP county chair Steve Lipscomb wrote a message to Oahu Republicans warning them about the matter:  “Nationally, there are hundreds of counties that use “GOP” in their website and social media title and descriptions. Just looking at one state: California you have Sacramento GOP: “SacCountyGOP” Home Page – Sacramento County Republican Party (saccountygop.com); and Orange County: Republican Party of Orange County – Leadership (ocgop.org). I’ve reached out to some other county parties and are awaiting their responses.”

GROUP HUG ALERT:  Perhaps this hullabaloo is why new Lipscomb took time off from his divorce proceedings, the rumored sale of his $2 million Waialae Iki house, and the TRO filed by his soon-to-be-ex-wife to lend his support to the corrupt Tom Dilhouse agenda last Thursday (and even supporting Crooked Boyd Ready for rules chairman at a previous meeting).  Based on Lipscomb’s suggestion, the committee discussed organizing a “Peace Summit” to involve various GOP groups which aren’t getting along.  Apparently, they hope to get these various groups together and somehow convince them that it’s OK to for HRP continue the cheating and corruption and RINO tactics that the party has been engaging in.  Such a ‘peace summit’ will surely stop all the fighting for the soul of the decaying Hawaii GOP, won’t it?

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE a.k.a. “Numinar Campaign Data Platform Proposal” – Dilhouse is pushing for HRP to pay for an AI-based campaign software service called Numinar.  It seems that with nobody at HRP knowing what they are doing in running HRP, and with few leaders and volunteers in HRP actually wanting to do the work of running a state party, Dilhouse wants to spend party funds to employ AI software to tell HRP what it should be doing.  Ostrov tried doing that and she ended up firing her entire executive committee during an election year.  Just think about the concept of combining RINOs and Artificial Intelligence for a moment and you’ll quickly realize that HRP’s ambitions for the 2024 election are doomed, even before you factor in everything else reported herein.


REPEATEDLY PUSHING THE SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON:  Finally, since the November 2022 election, the Hawaii Republican Party has done absolutely zero voter registration, zero canvassing, zero voter persuasion, or anything else to move the political needle.  They’ve been a failure and THEY’VE NOW LOST EIGHT FULL MONTHS of the 24-month election cycle by doing absolutely nothing.  Hawaii Democrats do not waste that kind of time because they wanna keep their grip on power and advance their socialist agenda for the islands.  At HRP, closet Democrats and RINOs don’t really care about power or our Republican agenda.  They’re just a social club of liberals who don’t actually want conservative reforms ever to take place in Hawaii.  Get to know these deep state RINOs, their past crimes against Republicans and taxpayers, and get to understand the Culture of Corruption.  Only when you know the players can you understand how to take back YOUR party from these closet Democrats and their cronies.  Their nefarious agenda is real and it’s scary.  Especially if you ever hope that Hawaii gets a GOP majority in your lifetime.  All they are doing is continuously helping Democrats to stay in power by destroying our party from within.  Auwe!


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